Welcome to my Blog!!

I am so excited to officially turn my interest into a part-time business! I am a nurse full time, but I have always enjoyed photography. Since my little bundle of joy has arrived I cannot put down my camera. So many times life passes us by in a blink of an eye and we don't have many photos to help us remember the past. I want to help other's capture those moments that really matter!

Currently I am doing on location photography. Since I prefer to use as much natural light as possible I like to schedule all sessions in the evening. The evening light does not create harsh shadowing like during the day.

Please contact me if you would like to schedule a session:
---Facebook (Heather Wilson)
---email: wilsonphotographyky@yahoo.com
---cell phone: 859-200-7014

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

New Website

I am so excited to finally go live with my website!  This has been a several month process and it is finally done!!  Please go visit my website where I have session information, pricing, and galleries!  Thanks for visiting!!


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