Welcome to my Blog!!

I am so excited to officially turn my interest into a part-time business! I am a nurse full time, but I have always enjoyed photography. Since my little bundle of joy has arrived I cannot put down my camera. So many times life passes us by in a blink of an eye and we don't have many photos to help us remember the past. I want to help other's capture those moments that really matter!

Currently I am doing on location photography. Since I prefer to use as much natural light as possible I like to schedule all sessions in the evening. The evening light does not create harsh shadowing like during the day.

Please contact me if you would like to schedule a session:
---Facebook (Heather Wilson)
---email: wilsonphotographyky@yahoo.com
---cell phone: 859-200-7014

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Miss Lucy and the New Little One to come!!

I may not have said lately, but I love taking photos of kids!  They are so much fun!!  Miss Lucy is absolutely adorable and she was so good as we moved all around the Arboretum in Lexington, KY finding different photo spots!  Lucy turned one year old in February but we waited until the weather was a little warmer to take her one year photos!  This sweet little family will also have a new addition within the next month so we captured a few maternity shots!  My sweet friend Amanda looks so good and I am so excited for her and her family!  She is such a great mother!  I hope you all enjoy your photos!

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Amanda would call this Lucy's "stinkeye" face!! :)

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Had to capture those little feet! 

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This one truly captured Claire...Love it!

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 We were experimenting when we tried these next 2 shots!! 

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